While diamonds have always been a girl's best friend, pawn shops haven't always been the best places to buy them. However, this is not so true anymore, as the corner pawn has evolved into one of the best places to find a deal on engagement rings. Here are ten reasons you need to check them out first when planning to pop the question.
1. Price. With the average price of an engagement ring hovering around 4,000 dollars, you want some type of economic advantage. As a couple, you may have to consider a future down payment on the home of your dreams, along with other major expenses. Carefully consider the best place to lay your money down now, as finances are the number one reason for marital conflict later.
2. An eclectic selection. Pawn shops are very popular places to sell jewelry, therefore your buying options should be varied. In the event that your future bride is the artistic type, you may be able to find a very unusual ring that looks like it was tailor made for her. Different rings present different characteristics, above and beyond the cut and quality of the gem involved.
3. Ease of shopping. If the thought of meandering through an upscale jewelry boutique makes you feel a bit uncomfortable, consider the more relaxed atmosphere of a pawn shop. There will likely be less pressure from sales personnel, and you won't feel as if you're under a spotlight or need to worry about what you're wearing. If you've already been to a fine jeweler and saw something you know your soon-to-be fiance will adore, tell the pawn shop. They might have or know of something similar for much less than the price tag you first saw.
4. Quality. Pawn shops, along with every other retailer of jewelry, depend on their reputation for continued business. For you, that means buying with confidence, because you will get exactly what you were promised and what you paid for. Of course, you can always ask for a written statement, indicating the carat, cut and quality of the stone you select. You could also bring a loupe, the small magnifying glass used to examine gems close up.
5. Convenience. No matter where you live, chances are good you're nearby a few pawn shops, but don't have as many local choices when it comes to upscale jewelers. Since purchasing an engagement ring is something that deserves a second (or third) thought, being able to swing by at your convenience is definitely an option you want open.
6. Uniqueness. Rare finds are not unusual at pawn and other second-hand jewelry shops. Since most of the major diamond and gold retailers order from major suppliers, you're less likely to find a one-of-a-kind piece with them. Not so at pawn shops. You might discover an antique or other rarity that will speak volumes of your love.
7. Trade-ins. Because your engagement ring is such a major expense, you may need a little help paying for it. Pawn shops also specialize in gold and other precious metals, thus, you can offer your old chains, watches and other miscellaneous pieces for sale, bringing down the up-front cost of the ring. The current price for an ounce of gold might amaze you, and with the sale of old jewelry you're probably not even wearing, your options for buying a dazzling ring for your bride-to-be expand exponentially.
8. Payment plans. Most pawn shops offer patrons the opportunity to pay through installments, the same way retail jewelers do. As with any such arrangement, it's important to conduct research and read the fine print, however, a payment plan could mean the difference between purchasing something relatively modest or simply spectacular.
9. Value. Gold and diamonds hold their value no matter where they are purchased, but if you buy a great ring at a lower price, you're making a sound investment. Overpay, though, and you're stuck with the loss, particularly if you intend to trade up on the ring at a later date.
10. Your love is what matters. Whether you are a prince or a pauper, the ring will be a symbol of your love and everlasting commitment. While you want to purchase the most appropriate ring for both your bride-to-be and your budget, it's really just an object, meant to represent a much higher ground than materialism.
You have too many expenses to fret over in the near future, from a honeymoon to a new home and many other financial burdens. Let your engagement ring be a symbol of your smarts, along with your love, and your first step to marriage will be one in the right direction.
To learn more about the options you can find at pawn shops, click here.
Share27 January 2015
Even as a child, I recognized that scent has the power to influence mood. The aroma of warm bread fresh from the oven still makes me feel safe and nurtured, even if I am the one who did the baking. The smell of sawdust reminds me of my grandfather who owned a lumber mill, and, strangely enough, the scent of paint thinner triggers memories of visiting my father at his machine shop on hot, summer days. Now that I have my own home, I use scent to help build my family's excitement for the holidays. Certain aromas reassure me that my house is clean or help me relax after a long day. The right smell can alleviate anxiety, promote a sense of calm, and signal that I am truly home.